AI Use Cases for Procurement Considerations
Safe and responsible procurement of AI is a hot topic. Use cases provide import context for consideration and evaluation.

Case Studies
This case study was conducted by Stichting Algorithm Audit, an AI-for-good non-profit, to examine the effects of algorithmic profiling methods used by Dutch municipalities to sample citizens in the context of social welfare benefits.
Insurance companies are using AI to determine whether patients enrolled in Medicare to discredit doctor’s recommendations and deny benefits based on aggregated data from patients with similar diagnoses and characteristics from the past.
This report, prepared by EPIC, highlights the variety of AI systems embedded in state government, and the curiously small number of major companies behind many of the most common government AI systems.
Detroit police, using facial recognition, committed the third known wrongful arrest in February 2023 of Porcha Rudruff or robbery and carjacking. The victim is suing the City of Detroit over the incident.
Use Case Repositories
US federal inventory of AI use cases | US Gov (currently removed)
Artificial Intelligence Use Case Inventory | US Homeland Security
Latin America
​Risk Classification Database by Use Case​​